Soliton is as inexhaustible as an atom


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Spiralling optical traps for neutral atoms maintain nontrivial macroscopic quantum states

Rotational Doppler effect for the phase-conjugated Laguerre-Gaussian Beams.

JOSA B29,714718, 12 April,2012
Sagnac effect for Laguerre-Gaussian Beams.

JOSA B27,2424,2010
Collision of the phase-conjugated optical vortices in plasma creates a plasma vortex with substantial magnetic field.

Phys.Lett. A374,4523,2010
Optical vortices in a speckle pattern form a twisted structures - the ropes.

Phys.Rev.A80, 013837,2009
Conservation of angular momentum in phase-conjugating mirrors.

Square optical vortex lattices in the near field of the microchip laser are suitable
for suspending the superfluids and turn them in rotation.

Vortex-antivortex pairs in acoustical turbulence inside Brillouin mirror.

Transverse mode-locking in broad-area lasers produces dissipative spatial solitons.

Transverse mode-locking via Talbot effect in broad-area lasers with periodic inversion profile
leads to the in-phase emission patterns.

Transverse mode-locking via Talbot effect in broad-area lasers means the fulfillment of the following scaling relation:

Talbot phase-locking in laser lattices may be sensitive to the nanometer-scale roughnesses.

The robust and agile fast Fourrier transform split-step numerical code reproduces the essential features of laser dynamics.

Beam propagation method.

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Nonlinear Shrodinger-Frantz-Nodvik equation features: Self-similar propagation of the blue detuned light pulse in the rare-earth doped laser amplifier decelerates substantially the self-focusing and demonstrates superluminal velocity of the pulse envelope.

The dissipative spatial soliton in confocal laser cavity. The soliton width as generalization of Rayleigh formula for focal spot.

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The public lecture in Polytekhnical Museum, Moscow. February 10,1987.

P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute Proceedings. (in Russian)v.187,202-222,1988.
Laser dynamics: chaos and order in output laser patterns through logistic maps. Elementary approach to split-step numerical schemes.

Interferometry with phase-conjugating mirrors. Michelson did not expected that period of interference pattern may be of centimeter size.

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Phase fluctuations detection with phase-conjugating mirrors.

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