Selected publications.
Articles,Book Chapters,Conference abstracts.
- A.Yu.Okulov.
"Cold matter trapping via slowly rotating helical potential.".
- A.Yu.Okulov.
"Superfluid rotation sensor with helical laser trap".
Journ. Low. Temp. Phys.,v.171,n.3-4,2013,DOI 10.1007/s10909-012-0837-7(.pdf).
- A.Yu.Okulov.
"Rotational Doppler shift of the phase-conjugated
JOSA B29,714-718, 12 April (2012).(.pdf).
- A.Yu.Okulov.
"Phase-conjugation of the isolated optical vortex using a flat surfaces."
JOSA B27,No.11 , p.2424-2427 (impact 2.181) (2010).(.pdf).
- A.Yu.Okulov.
"Laser Singular Theta-Pinch."
Physics Letters A,v.374,pp.4523-4527,(impact 2.009) (2010).(.pdf).
- A.Yu.Okulov.
"Twisted speckle entities inside wavefront reversal mirrors".
Phys.Rev.A,v.80, 013837 (2009)(.pdf).
- A.Yu.Okulov."Vortex-antivortex
wavefunction of a degenerate quantum gas".
Laser Physics, v.19,n.8,pp.1796-1803 (2009)(.pdf).
- A.Yu.Okulov, R.A.Zakharyan.
"Multiply connected rotating spiral structures inside wavefront reversal mirrors".
Optics and Spectroscopy,v.107,n.3,pp.424-428 (2009)(.pdf).
- A.Yu.Okulov.
"Optical and sound helical structures in a Mandelstam-Brillouin
JETP Letters,v.88,p.487-491 (2008)(.pdf).
- A.Yu.Okulov.
"Angular momentum of photons and
phase conjugation".
J.Phys.B, v.41, 101001(2008)(.pdf).
- A.Yu.Okulov."3D-vortex labyrinths
in the near field of solid-state microchip
Journal of Modern Optics,v.55,n.2,pp.241-259(2008)(.pdf).
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